We disagree with the exclusion of Newton's laws, Ohm's law and the law of energy conservation from the physics curriculum of elementary schools in the Czech Republic!

Basic features of the bipolar transistor

Remote Experiment

To start and control a remote task, your Internet browser must have some services installed and enabled. Make sure this is the case before starting.

System requirements for remote start of the experiment:

Control of the experiment

ovládání experimentu - Remote-LAB GymKT - PAVEL
  1. Setting the base current – the base voltage of the electric circuit can be selected with the slider.

  2. Collector circuit – the value of the electric voltage (current) in the collector circuit can be set again using the slider.

  3. Write values to table – measured values are written to a table of values

  4. Characteristic type – select the type of measured characteristic (transfer or output)

  5. Table of experimental values – the values of voltage and electric current are stored for plotting the desired characteristic.

  6. Working with data in the table – display graph, save data, clear table

> Control panel <