The K8055-MARIE application is prepared for remote control of physical experiments connected to the K8055 board, not only in the application that only "forwards" commands from the web, but also includes a filter for limiting certain values sent, e.g. to prevent accidental damage to the controlled equipment. In the following sections we will go through the various settings of K8055-MARIE.
This tab allows you to select the K8055 board (address 0–3) to be remotely controlled. Applications can control up to 4 boards. USB boards K8055 connected to a PC but not selected (check box) in this application are not blocked by this application and can be used for other purposes/applications.
The tab Remote Server sets up communication between the K8055-MARIE applications and web sites. Value HOST PORT specifies the communication port, after which communication takes place. Parameter Allow-Origin determines the valid URL for sending control commands. If this URL does not match, the command is not accepted. Value * indicates that they are allowed any sites.
From version 1.15 added function TimeOUT. The function makes it possible to set the length of validity the received remote command. K8055 board is switched to the specified status after a specified period of time (0-600 sec.) from the last received command. On the panel TimeOUT can be set to values of analog and digital outputs, which is set after the timeout. Function TimeOUT works only for remote commands received from the website (TimeOUT can not be applied to manually entered commands - card: Manual Output Control).
Since version 2.00 Configuration card is divided into sub-tabs Device 0 and Device 3. Each of these sub-tabs is valid for K8055 board given by address. Sub-tab Device x has the following parts:
Analog inputs card. Options Disable Read Analog Channel can completely disable remote reading of the selected analog channel.
For each analog output channel can be applied to one of the three filters. Each filter can be set to an interval of values (from 0 to 255), which will be set to output. Eg. Threatens to damage experiment connected to an analog output voltage greater than the value 155, set the filter values 155-255. Any value greater than 154 will be sent to the card. Thanks to three filters can be enabled and disabled values different settings (eg 0-50 and also allowed 130-240, etc.)
Similarly, the analog inputs can be disabled and any of the five digital inputs. This can be done by checkbox Disable Digital Read Channel.
Similarly, the analog outputs to digital output can be applied to the output filters. On this tab, you can set up to eight intervals forbidden values. This again allows you to limit the output values sent to the output boards K8055, which may arise error or intent to control the website.
Application K8055-MARIE allows for direct output control board K8055. For this purpose the elements on the card Manual Output Control. It can be used for various manual settings or adjustments connected experiments.
Application status K8055-MARIE, especially all remote control commands sent to the website are logged. This can be used to find problems in communication, or correctness of commands sent by the client.